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Tuesday, October 11, 2016

hey you guys, if you want to join the zu-gaming crew this is somethings we are looking for on your application

email: zu_gaming@yahoo.com if you want to join

1.your skills with youtube work

2.your youtube name(putting your real name is optional)

3.why you would like to join zu-gaming

4.(optional, but will look good on the application) if you know anyone in zu-gaming

5.any fun/weird fact about you(optional)

6.what role you would like in zu-gaming(manditory)

7.can you handle being pushed to you limit

remember we are a  group of friends and this channel is going to be family friendly. also we do like to make fun of each other so if you do join be prepared to be mad fun of, dont let being made fun of affect your desision weither to join or not because when we do make fun of each other we really dont mean any of it, its just us messing around.


Friday, April 8, 2016

to create the my website i have used w3schools to create the website.